The real question to us is why aren't all pencils round. We have been trying to research this question and would like comments on our hypothesis. First, our pencils are round because that is the best way to make them. We use the exclusive "roll-on" method. Why sand them into hexagonal or triangular shapes? Do they fit the hand better? No, not really. What the hexagonal shape does is prevent the pencil from rolling off the table or desk. This is bad for wood pencils because the graphite easily snaps. But, O'BON don't (very rare event) break. Drop them, step on them, put them under dad's car tire - they won't break. In another writing I'll explain why. So, at O'BON we don't worry about the pencil graphite snapping as it just won't happen.
But wood pencils are different. They break easily. One little drop from the desk to the floor and your pencil graphite can snap 3 times inside the pencil. So, when you sharpen, the graphite comes out and you have to sharpen some more. No fun.
The interesting part of our research is that the hexagonal shape came into being in the late 1800s. The round pencil manufacturers discovered that in the slat of wood that they would grind the groove for the graphite, if they chose the hexagonal shape, then they could make 9 pencils from one slat of wood. Before, with the small length of slat, they could only make 8. So, hexagonal became the preferred shape - and the shape of most pencils today. Any comments on our opinion backed up with some limited research? We want to know why they are hexagonal? Let's solve this riddle.
the problem with wood pencil is that they are made from wood. Sure wood is plentiful, but we need to practice conservation at every turn, not just when we are forced. Better to be more aggressive about this, publish more and write more about your "say no to wood pencils" campaign. i like it.
Well, they still roll off your table - that's annoying, even if the graphite doesn't break. Besides, modern woodcased pencils doesn't break as easily anymore -like the Faber Castell 2001 i.e.
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