Sunday, August 31, 2008

School Down The Lane

The blog SCHOOLDOWNTHELANE has a comment up about O'BON pencils.  As more people learn about us, the endorsement come.  We especially like beating out the much like Black Warrior pencil...but that is a tree pencils.  But, O'BON beats it hands down.  Here are the comments from schooldownthe lane.

You might have noticed that I do not have pencils anywhere on our list of purchased products. There is a reason for that. In the past I have been a proponent of Mirado Black Warrior pencils. They are, in my humble opinion, the best pencil you can buy at the mega mart and I still love them. However (there is always an however isn’t there) last winter I bought K some O’BON pencils for her Christmas stocking and we are now thoroughly hooked. These are seriously the best pencils ever! They don’t break inside so when you sharpen them the lead falls out and you have to sharpen them again. They sharpen without loosing a ton of length. They feel better in your hand then wooden pencils and the dogs won’t even chew them since they are made of paper. That last bit is very important in this house as I have list more pencils to the dogs then anything else. The O’BON pencils are not cheap, but totally worth it if you can swing it. The three packages I bought last winter are hardly broken into since a pencil lasts so long and the art pencils are almost as long as when we got them despite being used constantly. The only thing is you have to buy erasers for them since they don’t have any. Not a big deal since the ones on the wooden pencils usually don’t work for squat anyway in my experience (possible exception being the erasers on the Black Warriors).

And yes, I think a lot about pencils.

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