O'BON LLC recently imported its first container of pencils into the USA. They had to pay 114% duty on the recycled pencils. This is to stop "dumping." The money paid to customs for "dumping" goes directly to support the pencil industry in the USA. This would all be understandable if "dumping" was involved and, more importantly, there was a recycled pencil industry effected by the "dumping." Bare with me on my logic.
O'BON imports recycled newspaper pencils and the 114% tax goes to support the USA wood pencil industry. Excuse me, where is the logic in this? Cutting down trees to make pencils, to us, is a bad use of our limited resources and the wood cutting industry plays a big part in global warming through deforestation. Wood pencils are part of this problem. So, for O'BON to simply give this money to wood pencil manufacturers seems unfair and unjust. Our concept, technology and innovation supports an old, outdated and global warming industry. The energy consumed and the footprint size of wood pencil manufacturers is big. Frankly, O'BON is appalled and seeks any advice out of this situation. Giving our money to wood pencil manufacturers is painful for us.
If our money went to the recycled newspaper pencil business in the USA, this would be tolerable, but to support wood cutting and deforestation is beyond acceptable. Any ideas?